1. If I could write a thank-you note to 2024, what would it say?

Imagine the year as a person. What would you express gratitude for, and what would you thank it for teaching you?

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2. What belief about myself did I challenge or change this year?

Reflect on how you’ve evolved mentally or emotionally. What old narratives did you let go of, and what new beliefs have taken root?

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3. If my life this year were a book, what would the title and the opening line be?

Consider what the title captures about your 2024 journey and how the opening line sets the tone for the story of your growth.

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4. What advice would the "January 2024 version" of me give the "December 2024 version" of me?

Consider how far you’ve come and what your past self would say about your journey.

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5. What did I avoid this year, and what does that say about my fears or priorities?

Unpack the things you avoided. Were they rooted in fear, procrastination, or a lack of alignment with your values?

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6. What invisible progress did I make that no one else could see?

Think about the growth, healing, or breakthroughs that weren’t public. Celebrate the unseen work.

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7. What’s one decision I made this year that changed the trajectory of my life, and how did it shape me?

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